Tag: collaboration space (collaboration spaces)

4 occurrences
Occurrence Published
Published: November 2021

A smoother user experience in Jiglu 14

Within collaboration spaces you’ll find useful new visualisations that let you see what topics a particular author contributes most and how a tag relates to others.

Published: April 2020

Collaborating across organisations with Jiglu

For example, you could allow anyone to take part in group instant messaging or email discussion, but contributing more formal knowledge to a collaboration space’s knowledge wiki might be only open to members with a certain role or it might require sign-off from other members first.

Published: October 2019

Collaboration software's missing pieces

Supporting different roles within a collaboration space, so some members can be involved just with contributing while others can do more organisation, such as taking useful information from conversations and making it suitable for long-term retention.

Published: January 2018

Collaboration's hidden pain point

Rather than needing someone central to manage membership, anyone who is a member of one of a collaboration space can invite anyone else appropriate to join, whether they are already a user of the system or not.